The Reverberations from The Surgical Sideshow travelled far.
The Reflections crossed boundaries and, in a Complementary Reality,
The Surgical Sideshow Puppet Theatre sprang into being.
Imbued with the gift of speech, the inhabitants of the Puppet Theatre were the very
image of the Skellingtons and, in no time at all, began to serve as their Vocal Representatives.
They informed the General Populace about their Surgical Fantasies and made offers of cheap, fast Organ Removal.
They even told of Events to Come, of Giant Robots, of Insect Armies.
Although they never strayed very far from their Inspiration, their Independence
was quickly recognised.
To the delight of small Children and Disenchanted Youth everywhere,
the tall, thin, stripey Booth of The Surgical Sideshow Puppet Theatre appeared at the side of the
Street, in Parks and in Fancy Night Clubs, even as the Skellingtons and Jennifer appeared
in different places in the City.
After many adventures, too numerous to list in a Brief History such as this,
Jennifer announced that she would be leaving to go out and see The Great Desert.
The dismay was great. The Skellingtons asked Jennifer for a parting gift, a Memento of their time together.
Jennifer readily agreed and the necessary Mechanisms were eagerly set in motion.
An agreeable location was named and a suitable space was constructed.
The Surgical Sideshow Puppet Theatre agreed to act as hosts while Jennifer and the Skellingtons committed
the Stories of the Surgical Sideshow to Record, for the Benefit of Posterity.
The Skellingtons called on the Mysterious Mr. K.
When he arrived, Strange Lights began to flicker
in the Graveyard.
Shut off from the Rest of the World, the Skellingtons and Jennifer performed their Ritualised Tales.
Silently and methodically, the Mysterious Mr. K captured all with his Technology.
Far into the Night, they performed for the Minds of the Future.
It was arduous but, by the end of the Ordeal, they had preserved their time together, forever. It was just as well.
The very next day, the Skellingtons bid the rambunctious Jennifer fair journeying and set about waiting for her Return.