Without any reasonable doubt, you have seen a performance of "Exhibit "F""!
Fortunate Creatures, this Potential Pullitzer Prize-winner is, at last, on tape,
due largely to the sleep deprivation of a few sturdy Humans,
and the extraordinary effort of Ms. H and her Technology! Even now,
the Wheels of Creative Industry
are grinding, yes, even now, in those deep, Underground Recesses where Night is eternal.
They grind for You, the Humans of Note, the future generations, patiently holding your breaths, waiting for
this cultural vaccuum to be filled!
Keep checking here for updates, join the email list or "friend" the Surgical Sideshow group on
your favourite social network.
This episode was especially written as a much-needed, new, modern classic for the benefit of
the Crack Theatre Festival, in breathtaking conjunction with This Is Not Art
in the well-appointed Masons Lodge in Newcastle
on the 1st of October, 2010.
On this night, Herbie the Human was finally introduced alongside Maggie and
the Skellingtons as the newest member of the Surgical Sideshow.
You weren't in Newcastle, huh? Could you have been amongst the hardy souls who crept and
capered along to the grand opening night of the Surgical Sideshow's debut season, indeed the very debut
of the Midian Theatre in Marrickville, itself?
On the 12th of November, 2010?
Did you notice that the rather talented Chris assisted with all of the scene changes? Very nice, he was, too.
If you saw the lovely Conan moving props around, you were probably watching the matinée performance
on the afternoon of the 13th of November, 2010 or
on the evening of the 19th of November, 2010.
Perhaps you saw the most recent performance, the final of the Midian season. You may well have, were you
in attendance at
on the 20th of November, 2010.
That was the night Black Vat played. Remember? And Lucy, the dancing paper doll? The questionable
"Moral Tales"?
If you weren't at either of those events, there might be communication issues here.
Is it possible that you have not seen any episodes by the Surgical Sideshow?