You'd have to be unbelievably up to date to have seen "Rivals In The Madhouse"!

This episode is mostly unrecorded.
If you haven't seen it yet, who knows when you'll get your chance! Maybe there is a live performance lurking about in YOUR future!
Find out by regularly checking here, joining the email list or "friending"
the Surgical Sideshow group on your favourite social network.

This episode was written especially for, and you may well have experienced it at,
the launch of Kyla Lee Ward's book
at a secret venue, hidden behind a bookshelf, in Kings Cross
on the 27th of October, 2011
You might recall seeing Venus Vamp dancing or Stephen Hopley doing magic tricks! Who would have thought?

Maybe you saw it back at Midian at the rather large
Hell in a Halloween Basket
on the 29th of October, 2011
Wasn't that a strange and exciting night! Did you see the "Human Zoo" film?

The only other time you could have seen this episode was at
the Day of the Dead party at Planet X in Chippendale
on the 2nd of November, 2011
Maggie the Human was there, too!

If none of this sounds familiar, you might be delusional. Is that a possibility?