Keep in touch by checking here or join the group on your favourite social network. There were twenty-three performances of this monster show. If you want to know the big story, come over here. The grand debut was at the PACT Theatre in Erskineville on the 1st of October, 2009. It was a Thursday. Aside from the Bad Skellington and the Good Skellington, Hannah featured as four different Humans, the recently recruited musicians Deaf Hedge were on hand with their various emotive instruments, Bonedaddy presented himself as the Narrator, Mr.Snuff wrangled the role of the Pope of Medicine and, new attachments to the family, the redoubtable Emma and Sam were swayed to play Janitors and tend to the unruly Robots. If that all sounds familiar to you but you were recovering from an operation on the Thursday or you hadn't been released yet, you might have been in the midst of this unique experience on the Friday or the Saturday night instead, on the 2nd and the 3rd of October, 2009. There were little changes, here and there, but nothing the untrained eye would have noticed. The Surgical Sideshow had never intentionally performed an afternoon matinée before but, judging from the favourable responses of young and developing Humans in the past, the Skellingtons thought it unbearably cruel to deprive those with early bedtimes from having their wits enflamed by such an occasion as the Surgical Sideshow Epic. If you were amongst a bunch of wild infant Humans, you might have attended the Sunday Matinée, on the 4th of October, 2009. If your memory is not of the stalwart Hannah in the multiple role of Human representative, it may just be that you had the extreme privilege of seeing her alternate, in her Surgical Sideshow debut. You would have seen the exceedingly talented Kate being harried and harrowed, such being the common and unfortunate experience of the Human face in the Surgical Sideshow, coveted role, though it is. If this is so, you were likely to have had this pleasure on the 6th, the 7th or the 8th of October, 2010. It was Kate that you saw on those dates and no-one else. Perhaps, you braved the driving rain. Perhaps, reckless person you may be, you had left it all to the last minute, the final show of the season, previously thought to be the final show ever? You would have seen the bold, young Hannah struggling against forces only two slightly mad Skellingtons could concoct. Your memory, if reliable, could just as well be of the night of the 9th of October, 2009. Verily, it was a night to remember. Is your memory, instead, situated in the bush, with you sitting on a cushioned bench under a Big Top tent? Could you have been there to see this monster creation on the Stage of Baba Yaga at the High and Dry festival of things at St Albans on the 27th of November, 2009? It was a Friday, if that helps. This was the very first performance to exchange Emma's previous colleague for the reliably inventive Dorian as the other Janitor and sometime Robot Wrangler. Maybe you didn't see it that year at all. Could you have been at school when you saw the show? You'd remember something like that, wouldn't you? If this was the case, as unbelievable as it might have been, you must have been amongst the lucky students of the Prince Alfred College in Adelaide on the 5th of March, 2010. Were you surprised? Were you scared? Did you thank your educational overlords for inviting Skellingtons into the school? Did you see the show in a spookily beautiful, old theatre with red velvet and gold furnishings? Were you looking up at a proscenium arch stage? Did you want to stay there forever? If this is so, you may have seen the show in the very lovely Star Theatre as part of the massive Adelaide Fringe Festival on the evening of the 6th of March, 2010, or perhaps the afternoon of the 7th of March, 2010, or concievably the evening of the 7th of March, 2010, or maybe even the afternoon of the 8th of March, 2010, or quite possibly the evening of the 8th of March, 2010. Maybe you didn't see it there. Maybe you've never been to Adelaide. Maybe you waited for the Skellingtons to come to you. In reality, you might have been skulking around behind the church of St. Stephens. Did you pass a giraffe on your way in? The odds are that you remember seeing the show at the Polyglot Theatre in Melbourne on the 11th of March, 2010, or on the 12th of March, 2010, or on the 13th of March, 2010. If all things are considered: you didn't see the Surgical Sideshow Epic in 2009, you didn't see it in Adelaide and you didn't see it in Melbourne; then the facts point to you seeing the flourish of the final shows at the PACT Theatre in Erskineville on either the evening of the 8th of April, 2010, or on the evening of the 9th of April, 2010, or the afternoon of the 10th of April, 2010, or the evening of the 10th of April, 2010, or at the last known performance on the evening of the 11th of April, 2010. You would be certain about something like that, wouldn't you? You couldn't possibly have stared into the world of the Surgical Sideshow and not know it! |